
Soulclick Form

A short intro

Form is a fixed-price alternative to those who'd like to set up their own donation portal without having to spend money and time on agencies, automation and analytics experts.

  • CMS based donation portal
  • Operated under subdomain (e.g. donate.)
  • 7 integrated automation journeys
  • 5 payment methods included
  • Upgradeable to shop
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Features of Form

Donation portal

Donation portal

One place for all digital fundraising activities

Soulclick Form is a sophisticated CMS-based fundraising portal that helps you build, automate and integrate your complete digital fundraising yourself.

  • High performance web application
  • Donation portal with categories, filters, etc.
  • Flexibly customizable user interface
  • CMS & Soulclick Manager access
  • Speedy checkout available

Payment solution

Versatile payment & donation possibilities

From a variety of models, you'll configure your individual fundraising campaigns and products and publish them in your web-based donation portal.

  • One-off & recurring donations
  • Free or project-based donations
  • Crowddonations & peer-to-peer available (upgrades)
  • Cover-the-fee available
  • Dynamic donation amounts (ai)

Marketing automation

Professional, seamless donor journeys

Building your own donor journey automations can be quite expensive and time-consuming - Soulclicks' no-code platform allows you to setup and customize automations based on your individual fundraising products.

  • Can be switched on/off
  • 7 integrated automation journeys
  • Professionally styled html/css emails
  • Gift certificate & thank you automation
  • Template & journey builder (upgrade)
Crowddonations (upgrade)

Crowddonations (upgrade)

Engage & activate your community

With the crowd feature you can open fundraising campaigns in which several donors can participate – Users can either donate monetary amounts or specific units (e.g. meals).

  • For campaigns & emergency calls
  • Monetary and unit donations
  • 4 additional automation journeys
  • One-off costs of CHF 4'500.-

Thinking about your own
donation platform?

Book your call and learn more about our fundraising platform and how you can turn your vision into reality.

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An overview of happy Soulclick Form clients



Pimp your Form

We offer a number of upgrades to help you improve setup and operations of your digital fundraising solution - The one-time costs amount to:

  • Installation & support flat rate
  • Multi-Language
  • Additional payment methods
  • Crowddonations
  • CRM integration
  • Additional connectors
  • Bank reconciliation
View prices


More about Form

Form is the first entry-level, turn-key donor experience platform on the market - The SaaS product convinces with low ongoing fees, flexible donation and tracking options and a number of automations.

Compared to traditional donation forms, you'll have your own payment contracts to remain flexible, independent and operate your solution at low costs.

A variety of donation models for individual, recurring and crowddonations are available to you. You can set up fundraising campaigns quickly and efficiently and manage them flexibly thanks to intelligent tracking. The pre-built automations help you to extend your donor journeys and build sustainable donor relationships.

A one-time license fee for Soulclick Form is charged, starting at CHF 9'500.- plus installation fee, possible integrations and services. The initial license fee helps us keep the running costs low and makes us an attractive alternative to donation forms with transaction-based pricing models.

For the operation of the software (license, hosting, updates, backups, etc.) a monthly SLA fee is billed - The basic package starts at CHF 225.- / month. Additional features such as CRM & analytics integrations, increase ongoing fees.

We do not charge any transaction-based fees but only transparent fixed fees. However, we provide preferential conditions through payment partners (1.2 - 1.4% fees) or gladly integrate your existing contracts.

We would be happy to create a cost comparison for your situation and determine your savings potential.

Form is a comprehensive donor experience platform that can be extended to a full-scale donation shop or integrated digital product. Smart, on the other hand, is a relatively lean I-Frame donation form for integration on the website.

Form is ta complete CMS-based web application with a large degree of freedom and many extension and automation options. If you are thinking about digital fundraising in the direction of an integrated platform and donor experience, we recommend you start with Form. If you want to receive online donations easily, quickly and inexpensively, Smart might be the right choice.

Nebst dem Budget und den gewünschten Features finden wir bei einem gemeinsamen Beratungsgespräch heraus, welche Soulclick Variante ideal zu deiner Fundraising-Strategie passt. Für kleine Organisationen empfehlen wir jeweils Soulclick Form. Damit kannst du Einzel- und Dauerspendenprodukte auf der Plattform aufsetzen und erste Kampagnen fahren. Bei Soulclick Crowd kannst du zusätzlich zu diesen zwei Produkten, auch eigene Crowdfunding-Aktionen aufsetzen. Für grössere Organisationen mit vielen Produkten, empfehlen wir Soulclick Shop. Dieses Produkt verfügt über zusätzliche Filter, Kategorien und eine intelligente Warenkorb- und Check-Out Logik.

Soulclick ist auf dem Django Framework aufgebaut. Programmiert wurde die Applikation ergo in der Programmiersprache Python. Alle Kunden erhalten einen individuellen CMS-Zugang wo sie Spendenprodukte eröffnen, Bilder und Texte anpassen und Automationen aufsetzen können. So kann jedes Soulclick Produkt ganz individuell auf die Bedürfnisse deiner Organisation angepasst werden.

Soulclick eignet sich auch für Organisationen mit hohen Traffic- und Transaktionsvolumen. Nebst dem sicheren und performanten Datatrans Payment Gateway stellt die Soulclick Crew unter den aufgeführten SLA-Packages für dich Hosting, Updates, Back-ups, uvm. sicher. Die Software wurde bei grossen Organisationen unter erschwerten Bedingungen "pen-tested" und läuft sicher und zuverlässig auch bei grossen Kampagnen oder Sammelaktionen.

Alle Soulclick Accounts werden auf Schweizer Servern bei der Firma Exoscale betrieben. Unsere Infrastruktur ist gleichermassen konform mit dem europäischen als auch dem schweizerischen Datenschutz. Zudem werden von allen Accounts regelmässige, automatisierte Back-ups erstellt.

Nebst der einmaligen, initialen Lizenzgebühr für das gewählte Produkt fallen im Betrieb folgende Kosten an:


  • PaymentgebĂĽhr von 1,25%
  • Je Transaktion: 30 Rappen
  • SLA-GebĂĽhr

Dank der geringen laufenden Gebühren sparst du je Durchschnittsspende ca. CHF 12.- und die Total Cost of Ownership sind gegenüber anderen Lösungen deutlich geringer. Gerne erstellen wir eine individuelle Vergleichskalkulation zu deinem Case. Kontaktiere uns hierzu unter:

Wir bieten verschiedene Service-Level-Agreements für den Betrieb, Unterhalt und Support von Soulclick. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch individuelle Service-Packages. Grundsätzlich ist unser Team, je nach gewähltem Service-Level, telefonisch und/oder schriftlich für dich erreichbar. 


Nebst Implementation und Support unterstĂĽtzt unser Team auch gerne in den Bereichen Marketing Automation, Analytics oder Digital Campaigning.

We use various measures (e.g. cookies) to improve the user experience and to ensure optimal service. By confirming "Accept all" you agree to the use of all cookies and measures. By clicking the "Accept selection" button, you only agree to the measures you have selected. You can find further measures under Private Policy.



These measures are necessary to perform the core functions of this website, such as security-related functions. These measures allow us to recognize whether you wish to remain logged in to your profile in order to provide you with quick access to our services when you revisit our website.


To continuously improve our website, we track data for statistical and analytical purposes. For example, we use these cookies to measure how often users return and which features they use.


We use these cookies to make the use of the web services more comfortable for you. For example, we remember which areas of the website you have already visited and can thus help to improve the user experience.